10 Best Ways To Save Your Website From Losing Traffic

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Changing round the clock, digital marketing is upgrading to cater the user as well as the business demands. Some perceptible changes have been taking place in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) sphere for quite a while now. Although generally slipping through the user’s fingers, these changes are exceptionally significant for business managers, and why shouldn’t they be, these SEO changes have a direct impact on the brand recognition. Simultaneously they always usher a whole new cutting edge challenge for the SEO experts, in addition to the golden chance to check out their foregoing strategies.

Losing traffic from your website and having concerns about your business ranking? 

Here’s what to do about it. Unwind and review the underneath tips.

  1. By the people, for the people

What if someone keeps telling you a boring and vague story that you aren’t even interested to hear? Will you bother to keep going to the same person? Of Course nobody will. Same goes with your website. Try not to forget that your website is not for machines, it’s for people. Its content should be understood and related by human beings. Indexation problems can cause a traffic decrease too. The ultimate goal should be to keep the user interested in what you have to say or offer. The content should be interacting throughout the site.

  1. Hit the point with search traffic potential

You need to play smart here. Get to know which specific area has the most potential to bring search traffic and then keep targeting it. Below are a few ways to kill it. 

  1. Look for keywords having less competition but more search volume.
  2. Make use of guest posts to get more referral traffic, more backlinks and effective brand awareness
  3. Spread the word in the relevant online communities like Facebook, Reddit etc.
  4. Help and answer questions on Quora and other forums.

  1. Check for improvements in the on-page optimization

On-page optimization mainly includes the Metadata, content, and links. Metadata directs the calibre of your website. Search engines use the meta descriptions  to evaluate the relevancy of your pages or content. Google search engine puts on an effectiveness to layout, presentation, and microformat tools on an annual basis. 

Moreover, you have to make sure the internal links of your website are spick and span so they do not mess with interlinking between the pages of your site. It is vital that all the pages can be visible to the user under three to four clicks roughly. Otherwise, it will become difficult to get traffic if your page is not easily discovered by them.

  1. Keep an eagle eye on the competitor

This is needless to say that when you are well aware of the activities of your significant competitors, you can play the game better. Track their activities regularly and keep yourself as well as your website up to date. 

  1. Let the Pros do their work

In-depth SEO understanding is a necessity for this.You need to have a strong grip on SEO analytics along with the fundamentals of the various SEO tools. That is the sole reason it is suggested to assign this responsibility to expert professionals instead of messing it on your own. You can take the top notch services of an outstanding  web design agency in USA in this regard. 

  1. Examine your niche from top to bottom

Every business website has a particular niche or simply a field of expertise. Until, your site has something so unique to offer that it has absolutely no competitors. Nevertheless, competitors are everywhere. If your website loses some traffic, somewhere someone must have gained it. Make sure to know which of your competitors grabbed your users. The next thing to note here is how they did it. It can be possible that there have been some major changes in niche or keyword that you are not aware of. Or perhaps both you and your competitors have lost a chunk of the traffic. In the latter case, it can be seasonal or due to holidays.

  1. Use some handy tools to assess your site

There are many existing handy SEO tools. Let’s dive in some of the Google services along with web crawling applications for extracting data from the web. 

  1.  Google Analytics

Google Analytics tracks a traffic flow for your website and your conversions. It gives results in the statistical form established on the collected and analyzed data, plus it is a free and a user-friendly tool.

  1. Google Search Console 

Another great tool by Google, providing  free analysis of your site and reports collected data back to Google. Some of the things you will get to know include your keywords ranking on the search engine, links’ particulars and index status. 

  1. Screaming Frog

Apparently a screaming frog can be of many uses, weird right? But the main feature of this tool is the collection of all the necessary onsite components. It literally does make your work very easy by assessing each and every page. The number of website pages, broken links, keywords portions and a lot more is included in the results. 

  1. Keep up with the search engine algorithms 

If you are observing that your site is working unquestionably, your on-page optimization is also extremely impressive, also your brand admiration makes your competitors cry hard, then in that case you must be wondering what is the actual thing that causes traffic fall. Checking the new search engine algorithm updates is what to do about it. 

Never resting, search engines are always working on their algorithms and keep on testing them diligently. Google has gone through a number of major updates as well as different plug-ins as claimed by the search engine tycoon. This algorithm update can control niches, thus shaking up businesses’ websites and their ranking.

  1.  Feed the Off page

Off page optimization is equally necessary as on page optimization as it impacts reach and traffic boost. Some principal ways are as under.

  1. Look for loopholes in link building (backlinks)
  2. Go for better social media marketing
  3. Use brand mentions to reach the relevant traffic

  1. Check out your current activities 

Another possible reason for the traffic drop can be any of the recent activities on your website or that it encountered some changes in the last few days, so you might want to check for that. In this way you can better realize what works best for your site at the same time saving yourself a lot of time. Even slight performance of any new back-end factor can result in technical issues and conflicts with the already existing services.

In general, the issue is mostly on the outside, the most obvious apparently. You don’t need to do so much, just check instead of doing complicated things and end up having it even more messed up.  

Summing Up

Start small, play smart. To put it concisely, whenever you feel a change with your website’s traffic, take a deep breath because now you know exactly what are the ways to deal with this. Keep checking your website on the standards mentioned above. Prioritize the technical issues, on-page and off-page optimization. Diving straight into off-page optimization without thorough and careful analysis is useless. Sometimes, basic SEO knowledge seems to be insufficient. That’s where you need professional expertise. Choosing the right team to help you recover and boost the site’s traffic rate is crucial everytime.

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