The value and equity of your home will increase if you plant trees on your land. You may make the process of planting a new tree either easy or hard. There are various ways to go about it, from hiring landscapers and designers to simply picking up a tree at a yard sale and planting it in your yard. Planting a tree is a decision you’ll never regret, especially when you see how big and strong it grows.
When I’ve had a property, I’ve made it a point to plant five to ten new trees each year. This works for me since I always have at least five acres in the country, but it can work for you even if you have a little property in town. Adding trees to your property is one of the most cost-effective ways to boost the value of your home. Make comparisons between two houses that are very similar. The house with the nice, big trees will always sell faster and for more money.

Finding the Perfect Spot for Your Brand-New Tree
Increase your home’s market value and equity by planting trees. The process of planting a new tree might be simple or difficult. Landscapers, designers, heavy equipment, and money can be involved, or you can buy a tree on sale, bring it home, plant it, and walk away. The satisfaction of witnessing a tree’s growth and development is indescribable.
Every year, I plant five to ten new trees to enhance the value of every property I’ve owned. The fact that I always live in the country on at least five acres makes this work for me, but even if you live in the city on a small property, it can still work for you. One of the most cost-effective ways to improve your property is adding trees. Take a look at two houses that are very similar to each other. Selling a home with nice, huge trees will always result in a higher price and a faster sale.
Putting in the Tree
A triangle-shaped hole is needed to plant a tree. To plant your tree in the old days, we advise you to excavate a circular pit. We now recommend digging a three-point triangle-shaped hole so that the roots don’t circle the hole. The roots will extend further into the surrounding ground if the hole is shaped like a triangle. Using the triangular hole ensures that this will not be an issue in the future. Do not over-amend the soil when planting your tree. When you plant a tree, you want its roots to penetrate the normal soil as soon as possible and spread outward in search of water. However, I advocate digging a wider hole so that roots can penetrate the soil more easily.
Do not plant the tree such that the base of the roots is below ground level; instead, place the tree’s flared-out roots at or above ground level. Roots can become waterlogged if the base of a tree is planted below ground level thus, it’s best to avoid this situation. If the soil is poorly drained and the tree is planted in your lawn, this can provide an issue. Root imaging equipment is use for checking the roots of the plant.
Taking care of your new plant
Trees can be water by placing soil around them in a “berm” or “ring.” A better alternative is to utilize a drip irrigation system and water the soil to the base of the roots and a foot or so beyond the tree’s drip line. To ensure that the soil is thoroughly moistened, even if you don’t have an irrigation system and must water with a hose, you can utilize a drip irrigation arrangement and water longer but more slowly.
Using a portion of 1-inch PVC pipe, make a square section with a large enough aperture to fit around your tree. This will resemble a U-shape when completed. Every 6 to 8 inches, install drip emitters in the PVC. Low-flow emitters, such as 1 gallon per hour, should be used. Set up a hose and leave it on low for 3 or 4 hours so that the water doesn’t run off but soaks into the soil entirely. Using this method, you’ll be able to water your tree more thoroughly yet less frequently.
If you don’t have an irrigation system, add a calendar reminder to remind you to water your newly planted tree. My final part of advice is to get an accurate hay moisture meter and use it to examine your tree. I bought my wife a hay moisture meter, and she’s become an expert on house plants. Our houseplants were dying from overwatering until I handed her the hay moisture meter. She now checks each one with the hay moisture meter before watering it. Watering is no longer as necessary as previously thought. Since they are no longer being overwatered, the houseplants are flourishing.
Try the same thing with your new tree and your new hay moisture meter. You may find that your tree requires less water than you anticipated at times and that it requires more water than you expected at other times. The meter should go as deep as 6 inches into the earth or as far as the meter can go. Gradually work your way out from the tree’s trunk until you’ve covered the entire area.
In the trunk, you should detect a significant decrease in wetness. As the tree dries out between waterings, the moisture distribution should become more even as the roots expand into the surrounding soil.
Is it a good idea to stake that new tree?
Some people claim you shouldn’t stake new trees; however, if you live in a windy area, I recommend that you always stake the tree with at least one stake. I strongly recommend staking the tree during the first year to keep it stable. Staking new trees is something I must do because I’ve always lived in an area that gets a lot of wind. At this point, even a strong wind should be able to keep the tree from falling over, thanks to its deep Root imaging equipment.
This will allow you to remove the stakes from your tree after six months but to prolong the ties or ropes that connect them to the tree to provide additional support in high winds. When it comes to planting a tree, I’m paranoid about the consequences of making a mistake.
What about fertiliser? Is it necessary to give it to the soil at this time?
I do not recommend fertilizer for the first six to one year after a tree is plant. What would you do if you were treating someone who had just been ill with a severe case of human growth hormone overdose? To a tree, nitrogen is a form of human growth hormone. Because of the rapid expansion, the tree requires an abundance of water. Your tree will die if it hasn’t had a chance to create a strong Root imaging equipment. Make sure your new tree has a strong root system before you start putting it to work. For the first six months, your tree should be able to thrive on its own.
It’s a good idea to time your fertilizer applications to coincide with the changing of the seasons. Add some low nitrogen fertilizer if you’re going into fall after six months. Adding regular fertilizer is a good idea if you see that it’s getting close to spring after six months. These periods are flexible, and you can fertilize between six months and a year according to your specific situation. If you fertilize in the heat of summer, you run the risk of burning your leaves or, as happened to me, killing your tree from the top down.
Before I learned not to fertilize my potted Japanese maples in the middle of the summer, I had managed to destroy the tops of several of them. To avoid making the same mistakes I did, use timed-release fertilizer only in the spring and fall. A fertilizer marketed at Home Depot by the name of dynamite has a ridiculous name, but it works well. It’s a long-lasting fertilizer with a six to eight-month shelf life. What distinguishes it from other kinds? Two features – one is time release, and 2 contains micronutrients need by plants and trees. This is a product I use twice a year, in the spring and the fall.
Keep an eye out for vermin
When it comes to tree planting, I don’t recommend using fertilizer for the first six to twelve months. Imagine giving a person who has just been sick enormous dosages of human growth hormone. When it comes to trees, nitrogen is like a human growth hormone. Because of the new growth, the tree is expanding rapidly and requires a lot of water. Your tree will perish if it hasn’t had a chance to develop a robust root system the first time you neglect to water it. Before you ask your new tree to expand at full speed, ensure it has a solid root system in place. You can leave your tree alone for the first six months of its life.
Fertilizer applications should be coordinate with the ebb and flow of the year. A low nitrogen fertilizer might be add if you’re nearing the end of your summer growing season. It’s time to add regular fertilizer if, after six months, you notice the onset of spring. According to your specific circumstances, these periods are flexible, and you can fertilize between six months and a year. As I found out the hard way, fertilizing in the middle of summer can result in leaf burn and level the death of your tree’s entire crown.
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